- 薬品や溶剤などの液体の保管に最適なアルミ製薬品ボトルです。
- 漏れ防止設計により液体が所定の位置に留まり、耐久性のある構造により最も過酷な化学物質にも耐えることができます。
- 安全なねじ込み式の蓋で最大 1000 mL の溶液を保持できます。
- 耐久性と耐食性を備えた高品質のアルミニウム製
- スリムなデザインでスペースを最小限に抑え、持ち運びが簡単です
- ラベル貼りまたは印刷
歴史: アルミニウムボトルは 1800 年代から存在しました。
Aluminum chemical bottles have been around since the 1800s. The first aluminum bottle was created in 1825 by English chemist Humphry Davy. Davy’s original aluminum bottle was made of a alloy of aluminum, iron and chromium. The first aluminum bottles were used to store acids and other corrosive chemicals. In the early 1900s, aluminum bottles were used to store gasoline and other flammable liquids. Today, aluminum bottles are used to store a variety of liquids, including water, soda, beer and wine.
特性: アルミニウムは軽量で耐久性があります。
Advantages: aluminum bottles are recyclable and don’t leach chemicals
Aluminum chemical bottles have many advantages over plastic bottles. They are recyclable and don’t leach chemicals into the contents. Aluminum is a much stronger material that won’t shatter if dropped.